Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Raising Money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with a Bike Ride

Stefany Allongo and Mom on Bikes

A friend of mine, Stefany Allongo, is doing an amazingly difficult 100 mile bike ride with her mom to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She needs your support!

Here's what she had to say...




“It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges,?and I believe in myself.” Muhammad Ali

Earlier this year my mom and I decided to "believe in ourselves" and accept a challenge of monstrous proportions. What exactly is the challenge you ask?

America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride – a 100-mile ride around Lake Tahoe on June 5. It’s a test of endurance, commitment and mental toughness. Sure it sounds a little crazy, but it’s always the crazy things that make life interesting?

As members of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training, we are utilizing their expertise and experience to take on this challenge head-on for 2 reasons.

1. To prove to ourselves that anything is possible once you put your mind to it. Neither of us has ridden a bike since childhood, so the idea of completing 100-mile of mountainous terrain by bike is daunting. However, with the faith we have in each other and in ourselves, we will prove that anyone can accomplish their goals.

2. To raise funds for research to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. Completing this ride is nothing compared to the difficulties those individuals with blood cancers face everyday. They are our inspiration for pushing ourselves through all the training.

People with blood cancers are the true heroes of our team, and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish line – a cure!

If you could please make a donation to help advance LLS's mission, we will proudly take care of those pesky 100-miles. No amount is too big or small!


We're also focusing our blog on chronicling our training towards Lake Tahoe! - click to read more

Thank you for your support!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/HealthAndHappinessClub/~3/g9Yb0nnOOcM/raising-money-for-the-leukemia-lymphoma-society-with-a-bike.html

quotations be positive improve mood happy life health and happiness

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