Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's All About Perspective

Making things more important than they are is one way the ego keeps us out of the present moment. This is particularly apparent when something truly significant happens, like when we or someone close to us nearly dies or experiences a crisis. Crises and death put the other things the ego magnifies in importance into perspective. The ego doesn't have perspective, which is one reason we suffer when we are identified with it. Its perspective is narrow: Life is good when we are getting what it wants and bad when we aren't.

The trouble is the ego's desires aren't a good guide for what is important in life or for what will make us happy. And the ego often overlooks what might really make us happy, such as taking time to just be, connect with loved ones, or do something fun or creative. The ego tends to drive us to achieve, improve ourselves, and get more things. While there is obviously a place for doing those things, focusing exclusively on what the ego wants can leave us feeling empty, disconnected from life, exhausted, and never having or being enough.


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