Sunday, June 5, 2011

Osama Bin Laden's Gone...Let's Pray for Peace

My reaction to the killing of Osama Bin Laden was not elation, like I heard people describe on the news, it was not a chant of U-S-A either. My initial reaction was a feeling of shock and a prayer for peace.

There is a story about how Mother Teresa refused to march in an anti-war rally because she did not want to be a part of something called anti-war, but would join a march for peace.

I think of this story often and use the teaching to guide my decisions. Can you feel the difference in energy that comes from the term "anti-war" and the word "peace?" It is an essential distinction. 

So, will the killing of Osama Bin Laden bring more peace to the world?

Perhaps not, but he's gone now and I will pray for peace.

Will you be pro-peace with me?


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