Saturday, June 4, 2011

Baby on Board

My name is Ru Mahoney and I'm new to the Health & Happiness Club, though certainly not a newbie to the pursuit of both.  I rather recently learned that my husband and I (and 6 year old diva of a daughter) are expecting our second child! 

Pregnancy is one of those times in life when we are inspired to thoughtfully reflect on our health and happiness, both as an individual and as a family.  Throughout my first pregnancy I had aspirations of being one of those radiant expectant mothers, with flushed cheeks, bright eyes, and an inner calm that seems to come from a deep connection to one's self, or the Gaia mother if you will.  I was.  I kept up my yoga practice, I woke up happy and inspired, and I ate well. 

Second pregnancy.  I started to become suspicious when I became sick over a very plain spinach and cucumber salad with a little balsamic vinegar.  Since confirming the pregnancy (Yay!  Right?  Isn't this a “Yay”?) I have continued to be ill, mostly – cliché – in the morning, but also if I happen to be too close to anything remotely odorous like say, my students, their greasy lunches, my cats' food bowl, dirty dishes in the sink, compost piles...  Where is the baby-mama-earth-goddess I felt like last time?  Alas, I suspect she will take little more cultivation this time around.

So for my inaugural post on the H&H Club I'm sharing advice gleaned from a master herbalist friend who sent me this helpful (and surprisingly delicious) recommendation for a home brewed pregnancy tea.  Best of all, it's equally great for those trying to conceive (note – it's recommended for both men and women), or for those combating symptoms of menopause. 

I personally adore San Francisco Herb Company for the consistent quality and pungency of their herbs, but there are a host of organic and wildcrafted herb vendors available online.  As with any medicinal supplement herbs can have adverse effects for certain conditions or in combination with other drugs, so always consult a physician or knowledgeable herbalist is you are concerned.


Fertility and Pregnancy Tea

Combine and store in an airtight container.  While storing herbs in the freezer can prolong their shelf life, always bring to room temperature before brewing with boiled water.

Red raspberry leaf – Helps soothe morning sickness and nausea, prevent miscarriage, and tone the uterus (making it more receptive to conception, and less likely to hemorrhage during labor).

Nettle – Eases cramps and joint inflammation, rich source of vitamins and crucial minerals for expectant mothers

Lemon balm – Popular in traditional Arabic medicine as a mood enhancer and mild sedative, reduces cramping associated with nerves or stress, prevents bacterial and viral infection

Oat straw – An all purpose menstrual pain reliever and natural source of calcium and potassium

Red clover – Common homeopathic infertility herb, helps with skin irritations associated with pregnancy and menopause

Peppermint – Soothes morning sickness and dizziness, Eases heartburn and indigestion pain

*Yellow dock – Used sparingly this herb is a natural laxative for constipation associated with pregnancy.  It should NOT be taken in large doses, and due to its natural oxalic acid should be avoided by people with a history of kidney stones


finding happiness how to become happy happiness in life happy thought for the day howto be happy

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