Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Inspiration for Today

?What happens when we drop out of our egoic mind is that we contact our being, and our being trusts life. Why does it trust life? Because our being is life. We are life, but that sense of being connected to all that is, is obscured by the sense of being a separate self. The ego gives us the sense of being cut off from life and going it alone in this big and scary world. But when we experience the being that we are, we know that all is well and unfolding as it needs to. We know that life is good and trustworthy. We know that every one of our experiences has served and is serving our growth and evolution. And we trust that we will find our way and that life will provide us with what we need.?

Source: http://www.radicalhappiness.com/blog/424-inspiration-for-today

wisdom quotations be positive improve mood happy life

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