Friday, March 21, 2014

Letting Go of Stressful Thoughts and Feelings

Often all we have to do to move beyond a stressful thought or feeling is just let go of it as soon as we become aware of it. It?s much easier to let go of a thought, feeling, or desire as soon as you become aware of it than after you?ve fed it with your attention, since attention strengthens identification. Whatever we give our attention to gains power and becomes more difficult to let go of. With attention, a thought, desire, or feeling becomes more convincing, and more thoughts, desires, and feelings are added to it. Timing is key to the success of this strategy.
Letting go of a thought, desire, or feeling is not as difficult as some may think. We all know how to let go. We do it all the time. We have thousands of thoughts and many desires and feelings in a day that just pass by without contracting us. Because these thoughts pass by so easily, we don?t feel like we?re letting anything go. But we are. By not doing anything about them and allowing them to do what they naturally do?come and go?they naturally go, within seconds or minutes if we don?t get involved with them. All we have to do is let them come and let them go in their own time. If we don?t touch them, they let go of us.
Letting go is more a matter of not doing something than something that we do. The only thing we do is not give that thought another thought. Letting go is the natural result of not getting involved with a thought, desire, or feeling, of simply remaining an attentive witness to our experience. It is a matter of either not engaging in or disengaging our attention from stressful thoughts, desires, and feelings.


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