Monday, March 24, 2014

Be Pleased

When I was lying awake one morning, I asked for some advice, and I heard two words: ?Be pleased.? The voice continued: ?Be pleased with life, be pleased with your work, be pleased with your husband...? I felt the impact of these two simple words on my being, and I smiled inside.

During the day, those words popped into my awareness many times. In contemplating this a bit more later in the day, while just being quiet, I noticed how ?be pleased? aligns you with that which is always pleased with life. This injunction ?be pleased? could just as well have been ?notice what is already pleased with life.?

Something within us is pleased with and fascinated by what it sees, hears, tastes, feels, and experiences?even with what the mind might not think is pleasant. Who we really are is curious about and in wonder over creation. What a miracle life is! Whether the personal you likes something or not, the real you adores it, literally adores it, everything about it. To it, everything about life is a miracle.

This that adores life is who we are and can never be taken from us. It is what is constant throughout our existence. What a blessing it is that we are imbued with this capacity to enjoy life, to adore life, to be pleased by it! This is love. We are what is in love with life. We are love.


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