Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Become Aware of "I" Thoughts

I've written about this many times before, but it bears repeating: The thoughts that involve "I" usually cause some level of suffering. Notice the types of thoughts the word "I" is involved in: "I don't like?." "I never?." "I always?." "I can't?."  Occasionally, thoughts  with "I" or "me" in them are functional, neutral, and benign. But more often a story about the me follows "I," and that story often depicts some shortcoming or problem that needs to be solved. These stories and "problems" are the ego's spin on ourselves and life. They are how the ego defines us and life. They are a small story that can never encompass the whole truth about ourselves and life. And they are usually a negative story, one that makes us feel bad.

If you don't like the ego's stories or definition or if they make you feel bad, you don't have to take them on as yours. They are your ego's stories and definitions, but they are not yours. You get to choose the stories you tell about yourself, others, and life. You get to define yourself. This is a very empowering realization: You are the master of your self-image! If you don't take mastery over it, the ego will continue to define you and tell its stories of woe and negativity. And you will live out those definitions and stories unconsciously.

Source: http://www.radicalhappiness.com/all-blog-articles/293-become-aware-of-qiq-thoughts

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