Thursday, May 5, 2011

The 'Poo Experiment.

No.  Not that poo.

Poo as in SHAMpoo.

A recent conversation with a raw food vegan friend with a Masters in Nutrition shocked me into new ideas. He's the type of guy that turns heads everywhere he goes, as he simply glows. Radiant skin, radiant eyes, radiant strawberry blond hair...  Let's call him GlowBoy. We were sitting on the grass under blue Los Angeles skies when our talk went a little something like this:

Me:          What do you mean you don't shampoo your hair?

GlowBoy:  (Running his fingers through silky locks)  I don't believe in it.

Me:           If I did that, I would be a greaseball in T-minus two days.

GlowBoy:  Well, it's slightly harder for girls with longer hair, as it takes your hair some time to readjust.  Guys can just shave their head and start over quickly with a new routine.  Shampoo basically strips your hair of all its nutrients, and then conditioner puts them back artificially.  That's the ultimate irony:  we are breaking down our hair so it can't care for itself, and then putting all these products in it to do what it should and would be doing naturally. But after about a month, your hair would clean itself and be gorgeous.

Me:           (stupefied)  My hair wouldn't be a greaseball?

GlowBoy:  (shaking his golden locks)  Look at mine.  Do I look dirty to you?

Indeed, he was far from dirty.  Gone was the myth of the soiled hippie with dreadlock forming, matted, crusty hair.  In fact, GlowBoy modeled on Milan runways for several years.  Way to abolish that stereotype in a super hot way. I even tentatively ventured my fingers towards his hair, and it wasn't greasy in the slightest.

As it turns out, my friend doesn't even believe in the organic version of harsh chemical shampoos.  He thinks all those nutrients should stay in the hair, and it will naturally Ph-balance itself out.

So, I did what any strong eco-feminist would do:  I googled it.

Apparently, there is a No-Poo-Do movement happening, folks.  Yup, people around the globe have stopped listening to corporations only out to make a buck, and have taken the poo power back into their own hands.  Weird visual I know, but follow me. 

 Shampoo wasn't created until 1930.  And people cared about their hair before that just as much as today.  The science basically goes like this:  Sebum (oil) in hair protects your hair against damage with fatty acids and esters.  This sebum also protects against infection, and is created on a need-to-have basis.  In other words, shampooing your hair every day sends your sebum into overdrive, and it produces more of it.  When you stop shampooing, it produces less.  And some of the unpronounceable chemicals in shampoo, such as zinc pyrithione, can kill you if ingested.

I decided to try it, following some of the tips given by No-Poo believers.

Day 1-     Used a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub the roots to get the oil out, and then used some of my Wen Cleansing Conditioner founded on the same principals.  (Left over from a party at the Wen founder's house in a gift bag.)  Noticed my hair got super oily again by the end of the day.

Day 2-     Woke up looking like John Travolta in Grease.  Panic in the mirror. (Great band name.) After some more baking soda mixed with water (which really works wonders!), decided to spread the sebum so it was not just pooling at the roots, and brushed my wet hair with a wash cloth.   After drying naturally, it was a little limp, but relatively normal.

Day 3-     Tried blow-drying today, and my hair looked gorgeous, clean and... dare I say... flirty.  So far, it seems the only difference is my hair is getting more oily faster, but I'm thinking that's a transition thing until it balances out.  Go Maya follicles!

Day 4-     My hair wasn't dirty at all when I woke up.  I'm starting to believe in my hair cleaning itself! I leave it up to you to decide...



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