Friday, April 11, 2014

Slowing Down

From Stress to Stillness is on sale until April in all ebook stores for $.99. And if you buy the ebook, you can get an audiobook of this 8-hour book for only $1.99 at

Slowing down is key to living a more heart-centered life, because shifting gears helps us shift our consciousness and become more present. In fact, it?s quite impossible to shift out of the ego without slowing down. We can?t be present and live as Presence and still rush around, glued to our cell phone while trying to do six other things at once. When you know Presence, you don?t even want to live like that, because you realize that you won?t stay present for long if you do.

The biggest stumbling block to slowing down is the perception that we won?t have enough time to do everything we need to do. But slowing down can actually leave us with more time, not less. Hurrying is counterproductive because it?s stressful. Stress creates emotions, and emotions are exhausting and take time to process or cope with. To deal with stress, we might stop at a bakery for a cupcake, call a friend to complain to, or go on a shopping spree. The ways we cope with stress take up time! Hurrying also makes us more prone to mistakes and accidents, and you know what those do to your plans. Besides, hurrying doesn?t feel good. So how is hurrying good?


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