Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Source of Happiness

Love and happiness happen whenever we are really experiencing and interested in whatever or whomever is in front of us rather that interested in ourselves. Happiness and love come from giving attention to what?s in front of us, from being very present to life as it presents itself, of giving to life or others rather than trying to get something.

Whenever you lose yourself in whatever you?re doing or whatever is going on and you?re not preoccupied with thoughts, and just experiencing whatever is happening, you feel happy, grateful, and connected to life in a way that feels like life is living you and you?re just responding easily and naturally to it. There?s a natural motivation and joie de vivre that is part of this experience. Then life just flows and a natural happiness and peace arise in you. That happiness is a state of being and not particularly caused by anything.

Being happy comes more from not doing certain things that obscure this natural state of happiness than from doing anything to get it. Happiness shows up or is revealed whenever we stop doing whatever tends to get in the way of experiencing it, and the only thing that can interfere with experiencing happiness is thoughts?thoughts about ourselves, our life, how it?s all going, the past, the future, and judgments and other negative ideas. They interfere with happiness because they keep us from being fully engaged with life and interested in what?s going on now.


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