Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are You Willing to Be Human?

There are a lot of things in life we don?t have a choice about?our gender, our parents, the environment we grew up in, our level of intelligence, our looks, our personality traits, and all of the rest of our conditioning, or programming. We are a soul that is in whatever package we are in. And yet, we often feel as if we are supposed to be different or as if we could be different, when we can?t be any different than we are. As humans, we invest much of our time and emotional energy in wishing we were different and in trying to be different than we are. However, the only thing that needs to be different for us to be happy is to accept the human package we were given and not take it personally if it isn?t what we would like it to be. It isn?t our fault that we appear as we appear or that we tend to respond the way we respond or that we suffer about whatever we suffer about. Somehow, deep inside, we feel that we shouldn?t be the way we are and we shouldn?t be flawed.

Everyone has this same sense of being flawed. Part of being human is feeling flawed, imperfect, less than. Those feelings seem to come with the package! The only way out of this dilemma of feeling like we should be different than we are is not becoming more perfect, according to our ideas of perfection, although it is certainly fine to improve ourselves and become better human beings. We can?t escape these feelings of imperfection by trying to become more perfect because there is no end to what we feel needs fixing, especially since we can?t escape aging and our ultimate demise.

Source: http://www.radicalhappiness.com/all-blog-articles/374-are-you-willing-to-be-human

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