Monday, February 17, 2014

Wanting to Be Happy More Than to Be Somebody

This may sound obvious, but you have to want happiness to have it. You have to want to be happy more than you want to be you (the egoic self), with all your stories, beliefs, opinions, judgments, dreams, and memories. Happiness will never be found in being you, not even in being a better, improved version of you. It can only be found in losing your self?losing all thoughts that relate to the me, the false self?and finding your true self.

This is the price to be paid for happiness. Happiness isn?t attained by improving ourselves or by working harder or by having more money, more beauty, more success, or more friends because we won?t ever have enough of these things to make the ego happy. As long as we are focused on the me, we won?t find happiness because the ego doesn?t know how to be happy. Only in realizing we are not the ego?we are not who we think we are?will we find true happiness. When we discover who we really are, we don?t need anything to make us happy because we already are happy.


the secret of happiness key to happiness pursuit of happiness quotes happy things being happy quotes

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