Thursday, January 2, 2014

Let Love Be Your Guide

Here is an excerpt from Gina Lake's latest book Ten Teachings for One World: Wisdom from Mother Mary.


Let Love Be Your Guide

That love is the highest value is indisputable. Only someone who has been deprived of love might dispute this out of his or her woundedness; and yet, love is the only thing that can heal such woundedness. Love is that powerful and pervasive a force. It is, in fact, the only force in the universe. And that is very good news.

Words are inadequate to describe this force. If you call it love, it becomes limited to the realm of human emotions. But the emotion of love is a poor reflection of the force I am speaking about. This force, as it moves through the human being, gets corrupted by self-interest and greed. Love becomes something you have to get from someone else and something you never have enough of, like everything the ego seeks. This is not love but a lack of love masquerading as love. Neediness is a better word for it.

Neediness is the opposite of love, for true love results in a natural outpouring of love to others, not in desiring anything from them. You can pretend to love others in hopes of getting what you want and you can love them because they give you what you want or because you imagine that they will, but this is the ego?s version of love, and it stems from need.


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