Sunday, November 3, 2013

Our Stories Seem True Now and Forever

Stories, as they are defined in spiritual circles, are spins that we give to our experience. For instance, if it?s raining, we might tell the story: ?It always rains when I have a day off,? spinning the fact that it?s raining into a story about ?me.? Spinning stories about our experience is natural. It?s just what minds do, and the mind will probably always do this. However, these stories tend to create suffering when we believe them. Although we can?t stop our mind from spinning stories, we can become aware of these stories and choose not to believe them.

Stories are often an attempt to explain or give meaning to our experience, but for the most part, the stories the mind tells are lies, masquerading as the truth. These stories are partial truths and therefore lies, because they don?t include the whole truth. Actually, nothing we say about an experience can contain the whole truth, since life is so much more mysterious and complex than we can ever understand and since words are so inadequate to describe this great Mystery to which we belong. Here are some examples of stories we might tell if we stumble and break a leg:


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