Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gratitude Journal: Our Loved Ones

Happy Valentine?s Day! Grateful for Love? Share it here!
Welcome to our community gratitude journal, open to all who?d like to express their thanks or share a happy thought.

I?m grateful for 12 years of growing together with my best friend!

I am grateful that my mother-in-law?s PET scan was clear, and she is now cancer free!

I am thankful for a loving daughter (22) who finds time each week to spend with me even though her schedule is full. She will even bring stuff over to make me dinner regularly.

I am deeply grateful for the many inspirational college students with whom I get to work.  They make me believe that humans are evolving in positive ways.

I am very grateful my teenage daughters 9 yrs old and 17 yrs old (most of the time) still like me ; -)

I?m thankful for our grandchildren?they have such a positive attitude and remind us that life is good.

I am grateful for a visit from my daughter before she takes on her new adventure as a chef?also that she has such a wonderful opportunity.

I?m grateful that my writing group has a ?growth mindset.? It?s inspiring to be around women who are so supportive of each other.
east bay mom

I?m grateful that my husband remembers what brand of hummus the kids like.
Janine Kovac

Every week we post a photo submitted by one of our readers along with all the happy and thankful comments gathered throughout the week. 

To contribute, email your gratitude (a sentence or two would be great) or your favorite photo to Janine at 

You can also contribute by commenting at the bottom of this post.  Please include: your name if you?d like us to use it and any other info you?d like us to list, e.g., if the ?gratitude? is from one of your children, it would be great to know his or her age.


happy quotes make me happy happy life inspire quotes

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