Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gratitude Journal: New Family Activities

Got Gratitude?  Share it here! 

Welcome to our community gratitude journal, open to all who?d like to express their thanks or share a happy thought. 

Last spring my husband got a bike and trailer and was able to take my son for rides.  After anxiously waiting a whole year (because my daughter was too little), I was finally able to get my own bike this weekend and we went out on our inaugural family ride!  I?m so grateful to have this new family activity in my life and am looking forward to every minute of it!
Biking Mama

I?m grateful my son was able to stop playing without getting angry or hitting.
grateful mama

I am grateful for my two young watchmen Sylvain and Oscar who care over me in the storm of the battle of Abidjan in Ivory Coast. God bless them.

I?m thankful for the sunshine and warmth?for the first in time weeks I can feel my toes!
Jinny Barrish

My cousin?s bone marrow transplant - preliminary results look good!  Pretty amazing, especially since his brother and only sibling died of the same kind of cancer over 20 years ago. It is nothing short of a miracle that the transplant seems to be holding.

I?m grateful that my son can finally see the freckles on my arms with his new glasses!!

I am grateful that I get these gratitude lists every week!

My manager at work understands the wisdom (necessity) of a healthy work-life balance and for this I am grateful. She encourages me to structure my family time and work time in a balanced, sustainable way.
Oakland Dad

I am thankful that tonight my oldest son said he was thankful for so many things he didn?t know where to start his daily thankful list, and that my younger son has started to remind me to review our thankful list at bed time.

I?m grateful that a friend?s very sick husband?even though he is still in the ICU?is slowly recovering.
Janine Kovac

Every week we post a photo submitted by one of our readers along with all the happy and thankful comments gathered throughout the week. 

To contribute, email your gratitude (a sentence or two would be great) or your favorite photo to . 

You can also contribute by commenting at the bottom of this post.  Please include: your name if you?d like us to use it and any other info you?d like us to list, e.g., if the ?gratitude? is from one of your children, it would be great to know his or her age.


pursuit of happiness quotes happy things being happy quotes quotes about happiness quotes of happiness

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